Saturday, September 17, 2011

IT325ZJ Your Course Expectations

I am excited about ESU and The Teachers College starting this new teaching licensure program at Johnson County Communty College. Please enter your epectations below.


  1. I certainly believe that your expectations will be met by the ESU Teacher Education program at Johnson County Community College. I know the faculty are dedicated, hard working, and wanting the best in teaching for you all. Dr. Foyle

    1. My mother always told me to set my expectations high and therefore I have! I expect myself to learn all sorts of tools, techniques, and teachings that I can use with my future students to help them succeed. I also expect myself to practice these tools and such so much, so that I can pull them out of my top hat easily when needed.

  2. I have very high expectations for this program at Johnson County Community College. I expect that in my first year of teaching I will be well prepared and comfortable in the classroom. I am excited about being a part of this program through Emporia.

  3. My expectation for this program is to learn how to teach children in the most effective ways. I want to help them learn, grow, and enjoy school. I expect that these classes will provide me with useful tools that I can use when I am a teacher. I look forward to learning more!

  4. I have always heard that Emporia State graduates make some of the best and best prepared teachers. I am looking forward to being able to get a degree at a convenient place of JCCC. It's nice to be in an area that has so many opportunities as well as good teachers from ESU who are ready and excited about instructing me.

  5. I'm really looking forward to completing this program with Emporia. I have heard many great reviews about the elementary ed program and the teachers involved. My expectations are just that all of the courses provide us with the information we need to help our future students succeed.

  6. I have high expectations for this program that Emporia is now offering. I have always known that graduates from the Emporia teaching program make the best teachers and I look forward to being one of them! I expect to finish this program as a confident and knowledgeable teacher!

  7. My expectations and excitement about this class grows with each assignment we do. I was always very apprehensive about using too much "technology" and less time outside with a classroom. However, after all the real-life experiences we've read about, my mind is changing little by little. I can only hope for this confidence about how helpful technology can be for a teacher, to keep growing. Therefore, that is my expectation--To keep learning more, keep experimenting more, and keep motivating myself to use technological resources more.

    With that being said, all of my classes are continuously doing this every day also. I have only heard good things about Emporia's Elementary Education Licensure Program; my presumption is for that positivism to continue on through me as well. It seems to be going in the right path already.

  8. My expectation is to come out prepared and confident with the tools and skills that will make me a great teacher. ESU is known for their teaching program not just in Kansas, but all across the country. I really love what I am learning in my classes and all the wonderful ideas. I personally can not wait to get in the classroom and apply everything that I am learning!!! :-)

  9. My expectations is to become a confident and very prepared teacher after this program. I am expecting that this program gives me the education I need to become the teacher I hope to be. I love this program so far and am enjoying it very much. Can't wait to start students teaching!

  10. My expectations for this course are simple. I hope to have better understanding of the tools that are available for teachers. I also hope to gain knowledge that will help me better run my future classroom. This class will help me learn more options to help me communicate with my students, parents and my fellow teachers.

  11. My expectations are simple. I want to be able to better utilize technology in the classroom. I look forward to showing my students short cuts, tricks, and I look forward to learning from my students as well.

  12. Replies
    1. Just wanted to test to make sure you received my post. Also, has no one else posted, or am I using the wrong blog?

  13. Dr. Foyle, Your test works. Blogger is working just fine!!!!
    It will be interesting to see what your students' expectations of the course are in this blog!

  14. Thank you Dr. Howell. I've made some step-by-step instructions for following this Blog. Google changed some things; so I had to make new instructions. Thanks again for checking it out. Dr. Foyle

  15. Hello:
    I hope to better understand the various technological tools that are available, and be able to implement them into the classroom setting. I am not the most technologically savvy, so this course should be beneficial to helping me obtain my expectations.

  16. My expectation for this program is to become a knowledgeable and confident teacher. I know that this will only happen through time, but I expect that with the knowledge that I gain that it will help me become a more confident teacher.
    --Karly Schultz

  17. My expectations for this program, is just simply to give me the tools, knowledge, creativity, and assurance to be the best teacher that I can be.

  18. I commented on my expectations already but cannot seem to find them posted, so I am trying again. Sorry if this is redundant. Obviously I need this class to become a more advanced user of technological perks available on the web nowadays.

  19. Yeah, it worked! Learning new stuff all the time in this class. That says it all.

  20. My expectations for this program are to give me more knowledge and the tools needed to become a successful teacher.

  21. I hope to become more familiar and comfortable with tools I can use in the classroom.
    -Susan Mayfield

  22. This class has already surpassed my expectations. I thought this class was going to teach us about smartboards, ipads, and powerpoint presentations. I can't believe I am learning about blogging, making newsletters, and tying it all together with a major project on how to incorporate all of the available technology into a unit plan! I am very excited and encouraged that I can do things I didn't even know or consider as classroom tools!

  23. All I can say is that I do not feel comfortable with all of this new technology and this class is really helping me feel more secure in using these tools in the classroom. I know that teaching is changing and I need to be able to use all of the tools that computers and technology can offer. I hope to continue learning in this course!

  24. I'm very happy that we're taking this class. Teachers do not utilize the internet as a classroom resource nearly enough, usually due to a lack of understanding or aversion to the internet.
    So thank you for bringing everybody onto the same page.

  25. I hope that this class will further my knowledge in the technology world. I am not the most familiarized with technology so I know this course will expand my knowledge. As a future teacher I need to learn to use all the resources that technology has to offer. So here is to learning.

  26. My expectation from this class is to take away the tools necessary to make me a more well-rounded educator.

  27. I am excited for the opportunity to learn the latest advancements in technology that I will be able to utilize in my classroom. I enjoy the fact that I have learned to create an effective newsletter and a blog. I hope to share my knowledge with others. I feel that everything I am learning in this class will be extremely useful.

  28. I am so happy that this program is being offered at JCCC! After the first month of classes, I feel as though the professors will go above and beyond the call of duty to prepare us to become teachers. I think this class will be incredibly helpful because technology plays a vital role in the classroom. I expect to learn even more great things that we can use in our own classrooms and our professional careers.

  29. I am learning a lot in this class; so is my husband - who is a teacher. I am becoming more computer savvy everyday. Thank goodness that I can take all of my classes either at JCCC or online. I look forward to my career as an educator.

  30. I am so glad that I was given the opportunity to take my classes through Emporia at Johnson County. I feel like this class is living up to its expectations and is giving us the information we need to succeed in the classroom by using technology.

  31. I feel very fortunate to be able to take this technology course. I am not particularly techno-savvy, but this class is helping me! I am so glad that I am learning how to use all of the technology tools listed in this course. I look forward to using them in the classroom. Technology is the way of the world, and I do not want my students knowing more about than I do. Kudos to ESU for requiring Tech courses for us soon-to-be educators! :)

  32. I look forward to increasing my knowledge base with regards to advancements in technology. Having computer and technology skills are becoming increasingly important to effectively teach in the classroom.

  33. I would like to get a better understanding of how to utilize technology in my classroom as technology is getting more and more advanced everyday. I would especially like not to have to refer to my child every time I need to do something on the internet Prezi or Facebook (lol).

  34. I look forward to learning the changes in technology and the advancements. Teaching children in a couple of years will all be digitized and technological, so this is a great requirement to have towards a teaching degree. I can't wait to learn fun and creative ways to teaching students.

  35. In this course I want to learn how to really use technology with my future job and encorporate things like social media to help my students anyway that I can. Emporia is a wonderful school for teachers, they have very high standards, and I know that I will be taught properly (not only in this class but in all my others as well).

  36. I want to learn how to incorporate technology into classrooms. Prezi blew me out of the water. I love powerpoint and have been using that since I was 12, but prezi is way better. I am learning how to use technology and how to find things that work with me. My expectations are to gain an understanding of how to use technology to fascinate kids that are in my classroom, so as to make learning fun and understandable for them.

  37. I am really interested in how I can incorporate technology into the classroom! Especially since it seems like kids know way more about technology than I do! I hope that I will be able to better understand how to use different types of technology in the classroom to enhance the students learning.

  38. I feel that I have already learned so much in IT325ZJ. I loved making a Prezi, that I already completed another and used it in my art class explaining repetition in art. I am thankful and glad to learn how to use the newest technology for the classroom. I am hopeful to teach in a classroom where every student will have a computer to use to enhance their education. My goal is to teach special education, and want to find uses of technology to assist students with special needs.

  39. Seeing as technology is going to be a part of nearly every occupation in the future, it is vital that educators teach students how to use it in the classroom. My expectations in this course are to learn about a wide variety of technological programs that can transfer into my future classroom, while also learning how I can help my students understand the ever-changing technology. I have already learned so much by taking IT325ZJ and I feel like there is still lots of information yet to be taught. The Prezi was a different type of presentation, but it seemed way more fun and interactive compared to a regular PowerPoint. I also enjoyed being able to read about the curriculum standards because those will have a huge impact on my future career as a teacher. I am definitely looking forward to learning more about integrating technology into the classroom!

  40. I want to learn more about the use of technology in the classrooms. I feel old fashion because i don't really know much about technology. I want to learn more about technology because I want to be prepared by the time I have my own classroom. I want to feel secure of what I'm teaching my students. I think that ESU has the best teaching programs. I love ESU, at ESU we are a family.

  41. My expectations for this class is to gain knowledge in technology. I would not consider myself a computer person, but learning about all the new technology that I could incorporate into a classroom environment is very exciting. I hope I will gain a lot of knowledge and confidence!

  42. My name is Patricia Howard. Most of the professional development I have partcipated in has been in curriculum development, instructional proficiencies, or assessment and classroom managememt strategies. My expectations for this class was to be able to use the technology present in the classroom as a technological asset to instruction. I had no idea that there was a unlimited array of technology I could access outside my classroom at the click of a mouse! I want to encourage my peers to print or download the rubrics on the edublogger website as an example of what you will use in you classroom. The operative word for using blogging in aneducational setting is interactive! We will use the tools we learn in IT 325 ZJ for an interactive educational experience! That's what our reading assignment was all about. We should develop a learning activities that incorporates activity and reflection.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. *This is Kristina. For some reason my hotmail account is attached to my google account. I'm not sure how to change it or how to get my name to appear as Kristina on the comment as part.

    My expectations are to continue to learn how technology can play a role in our classrooms. Technology is a part of our student's lives, so if we can learn to use it to their (and our) advantage, we can become the best teachers that we can be.

  45. Incorporating technology into the classroom is very important. Technology is something that the students will use the rest of their lives and as a teacher I need to be able to show them how to use it and why we use it. Technology in the classroom has endless benefits; not only is it a great tool for learning, but it is a way to stay connected to people around the world. I’m glad that ESU offers this class so that we can learn different ways to use technology in the classroom.

  46. I want to continue to learn new ways to incorporate technology into the classroom. I actually never thought about using a blog to keep contact with parents and to have the kids put work on their own so their parents can see what they are working on. I also have found some of the other stuff that we have learned about very interesting. The prezi presentations were pretty cool and very different from power point. I have learned a lot more than I thought I would with this class already.

  47. I have thoroughly enjoyed my short time in the Elementary Education program. The focus on technology and its vast potential to enhance student learning has been especially exciting and challenging. The assignments (in particular Prezi and creating a blog) have exposed me to technology with which I have not previously worked and I really appreciate the experience. It will be especially gratifying to apply the knowledge in classroom settings when we begin our work in schools!

  48. I believed that this program would be more challenging than the semesters required before it, because all of the classes only meet one night a week or online, but I had hoped that the structure would allow students to succeed. Coming into this program, I was nervous, because these are my first Junior/Senior level courses and I was afraid that the program structure would make it all too easy for students to fail. However, my hopes and expectations were that even though the classes may be challenging, the instructors would take the time to make sure that students understood the information. Also, that they would make themselves available to help students who might be struggling and that they would help us to understand clearly what is required of us to succeed. So far, I believe the professors have done a wonderful job of helping the students succeed!

  49. I expect to graduate from one of the best teaching college's in the nation with the tools I need to help children learn the skills they will need not just to function in society, but to be happy and find meaning in their own lives.

    So far, this class has exposed me to methods of teaching I did not initially think of as well as different tools that I can use to make sure that every student is learning, and to make it fun as well. I look forward to what I have learned when everything is said and done.

  50. My expectations of this class is to learn to better myself in the classroom setting with knowledge of different technology and/or websites to help the children I am going to teach one day. I am glad that I have a chance to take this class because I really do think future teachers can learn a lot from what we have already done.

  51. My expectations for this course is to become more comfortable in integrating technology into the classroom. When I am in the classroom myself one day I will be grateful I am not embarking on how to integrate technology into my classroom for the first time.

  52. I expect that this program at JCCC will leave me more than prepares to step into the classroom as a teacher. Technology is a very important part of the world today, and tech savvy kids love when it is brought into the classroom. This class will help us discover the many ways we can use it in, and how it can improve the ways we teach our students.

  53. I'm very excited about this program. I Love that I can get all the benefit of attending ESU and reputation while doing it at JCCCC. I'm excited about this class because learning is going more and more toward technology. With this class I feel that i will be able to use technology to have a better classroom.

  54. I expect to learn new technological ways to reach students. Already the blogging and Prezi presentations seem like exciting new ways to keep kids interested in learning. Also, I think this class will help me become more rounded in the technological world.

  55. I want to know more about the "smart boards" I am hearing so much about. One of my former preschoolers came back from Kindergarten on her winter break, and she was very excited about her classroom's smart board. Technology is important and useful to me in my personal life, and I am eager to apply this tool to my teaching classroom.

  56. My expectations for this class are to learn more about how to use technology in the classroom. I have really enjoyed the prezi presentations and I really enjoy learning that Google has a lot more to offer than I thought.

  57. My expectations of this class are to learn ways to bring technology into my future classroom. I have already put the prezi assignment to use in a class I am currently taking and plan to use it over and over again. I have good expectations for this class and for the whole education program.

  58. I look forward to learning technology tricks to use in my classroom. I thought the prezi assignment would be much more difficult than it was so I guess I'm not as intimidated as I was at the beginning of this course.

  59. From this class specifically, I expect to be introduced to a variety of technological resources I can use within my classroom in the future. It seems the class is already doing this through introductions to prezi, my re-introduction to blogger, and so on!

  60. I am eager to learn about many of the ways we can utilize technology in a classroom. I had never heard of Prezi before, and am excited to discover more gems like it.

  61. I'm looking forward to being more aware of the various types of technology I can use in my class room. I think knowing that they are there and having a working knowledge of how to use them will be extremely helpful.

  62. In this class I am eager to learn new technology and how to use it in my classroom in the future.

  63. Through this class I am expecting to learn about various ways to use technology in my future classroom. I'm excited to learn about programs that I had never used before; like Prezi.

  64. Through this class I expect to learn how to incorporate technology into my future classroom. I believe that having technology in the classroom is a very important aspect to a student’s learning environment. I have already learned useful things, and am looking forward to increasing my knowledge of using technology in the classroom.

  65. This class I expect to learn about how to use various technology in a future classroom setting. Each program introduced, such as Prezi or making a newsletter will provide myself with tools to teach later on.

  66. I am expecting to learn how to use technology in the classroom. It will be benificial down the road to have the previous knowlegde of a lot of different technologies available to me so I will be ready to use them when the time comes.

  67. I am expecting to learn how to use technology in the classroom. WIth this generation I think that it is even more important, since it is such a big part of their lives. I except to take things that I have learned in this class and be able to incorporate it into the classroom.

  68. For this course, I expect to learn how to best utilize technology in the classroom, as well as which resources will be best for an elementary teacher. This will help me as a teacher in the fast-paced technology world that our children are/will be living in.

  69. I am not very good with technology. I have learned a lot so far. I expect to learn even more about different ways to use technology in my future classroom.

  70. In this course, I am expecting to learn various types of technology that I am not familiar with, and become more proficient with technology that I have previously utilized. All of this technology will hopefully assist me in my future career as an Elementary Teacher.

  71. I hope to polish my current technology skills through this class. But even more importantly, I anticipate the course will force me to garner skills in new areas like Prezi and blogging. I am enjoying what I'm learning and know it will benefit my students in the classroom.

  72. I have very high expectations for this class just like everyone else above. I hope to be very prepared from this program to be able to teach in my classroom. I hope to take what i have learned and be comfortable with it, especially with the technology, to be able to take it into my classroom.

  73. I have high expectations for all of our classes. I hope what we learn from Emporia will put us ahead of the other candidates when it comes to job hunting.

  74. I have high hopes for this course through Emporia with all our classes. I am learning more and more that there is a lot to teaching and it can be a little overwhelming but I trust that this course will prepare me. I hope to learn more about how to use technology in the classroom specifically from this class. With students that have grown up with technology it will be a greater teaching platform.

  75. I hope to gain a better understanding of what technology is out there to help teachers. I like the things we have gone over thus far. I hope eventually we will also learn about how to operate tech items in the class (like a smartboard or use an elmo). I also hope you go over what Teachers Paying Teachers is. I have teaching friends who use this particular website and love it. I hope to learn about it in this class.
    Thus far, we have not addressed these things, but I have enjoyed the topics we have gone over, and I think they will be tremendously helpful in the future.

  76. I hope to gain a better understanding of what technology can do to help me in my classroom. I am looking forward to this class

  77. I am so excited to getting one step closer to finishing my degree and becoming a teacher! I look forward to obtaining any knowledge necessary to becoming a sucessful teacher!

  78. I am very hopeful that this class will prepare me to smoothly integrate technology into my future classroom and teaching. Not only do I want to use technology in my lessons and teaching, but I also want to teach my students how to use technology on their own to further their individual learning. I am confident that this class will be able to provide me with the necessary technology background needed to achieve this goal.

  79. My expectations for this class include:

    Become more technologically friendly.
    Learn how to communicate with parents through media.
    Be able to work with new programs to make learning even better for the students.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. I hope that this class will teach me how to integrate technology into my classroom as well as teaching me new things to use in the classroom. A blog is something I never thought of but so far I have learned a lot and I expect to learn a lot more.

  82. My expectations for this class are to effectively learn how to use technology in the classroom and to learn different ways to communicate with my students and parents outside of the classroom. I want to learn how to be approachable through technology.

  83. I hope to learn how to utilize technological resources better as both a teacher and a communicator. I want to understand what makes children excited to learn, and how I can develop my skills as a teacher in those areas. Finally, I want to learn how to best involve parents of the children I will be teaching.

  84. I am hoping this class will give me some good ideas that I will actually use for integrating technology in my classroom and in my lessons. So far I really like the blog and I believe it is a great way to stay in touch with parents and students (if they are old enough to access my blog) and keep everyone in the loop and on the same page! I also would like to learn about how to keep up with our ever changing technological advances so that I may keep myself and my students up to date.

    1. As for the Emporia teaching program it's self, I am hoping it gives me the tools to become a creative and successful teacher. I have heard that Emporia students fresh out of the program come with a certain level of expectations from future employers because our program is that good, I hope to rise above these expectations to enrich my students learning experience!

  85. I hope this class introduces me to new technology programs and apps that I will one day be able to use in my classroom. Students are excited about technology and know how to use it better than some adults so it is important for me to be up to date and know what the students like and how they can benefit from using technology. I hope to find new websites like prezi and blogger to help communicate effectively with my parents and the community. Technology is a big, ever changing part of our society, so it is part of a teacher's job to understand it and use it to the best of their ability.

  86. I expect to learn from this class all about how to integrate technology into the classroom. I feel like I have already learned so much! From creating Prezi, to making my own blog, I have experienced technology in a new way. I hope that I can learn how to keep up with the changes of technology, and also to help my students learn how to use it in their school work as well as everyday life.

  87. My expectations from this class will be to learn how to incorporate technology into the classroom without it taking over the atmosphere. Technology is such a huge object in our society and so many kids know how to use. It just makes sense to teach kids how they can use it to benefit themselves in the future. They need to be able to do things as simple as typing an essay in word to creating a website and even farther if they wish. I want them to be able to reach out to these resources and know how to use them to be beneficial. I still want kids to do things by hand, I want them to do a lot of things by hand but I know that's not how things are now and I need to know how to do all the different things with technology that my kids will be able to use and how to direct them in the right way of using technology for their benefit.

  88. I expect to learn how to integrate more technology into my classroom, and how to do that more efficiently. I have really enjoyed some of the assignments as I have learned things that I plan to use in my classroom. I think I will use a blog to communicate with students and parents, and that will save paper as well. I also plan to use Prezi as it is more interactive. I look forward to seeing what else I will learn that I can use in my classroom.

  89. From this IT class I expect to learn how to adapt to a quickly advancing world. I want to learn how to effectively include technology in my classroom. Computers are quickly replacing paper and pencil and sometimes I do not like that but I need to somewhat accept it. I know there are a lot of good websites out there that can help me advance my classroom. Sometimes I just do not know where to start with these websites. I would like to learn how to adapt to children learning with technology and how to use it in a way that the students will learn better.

  90. From this IT class I expect to learn how to make technology part of my classroom. Technology is rapidly changing and you are starting to see iPads in every class. Computer labs are becoming more popular for kids to use and do more school work on computers. I have enjoyed using the websites we have learned about to use for our classrooms.

  91. I have already learned so many things since beginning this class! I am so excited to be able to say I've created a newsletter and my own blog! I definitely will be using this new technological knowledge in my classroom!

  92. My expectations for the class are to learn more about the technologies that can be integrated into the classroom. With the introduction of I Pads and tablets in the classroom, I would like to know more about the apps that are available and how to use them.

  93. My expectations for this class are to learn more about technology and incorporating it into my classroom. So far, I have learned many things that will be useful for my classroom, and I think a blog is a great idea to keep the parents up to date on everything.

  94. My expectations for this course are to better my knowledge about technology and using technology in the classroom. I hope that I can learn things that will help me become a better teacher while using technology to help children learn. I think using a blog is a great way to keep children, and their parents, stay connected with the classroom and the things that we will be learning.

  95. My expectations for this IT325ZJ course is that by the end of the semester I will have the knowledge to be able to integrate technology into my lessons. I also want to be familiar enough with technology that I can communicate with parents, faculty and the students and have the means to teach the technology. Another thing I hope to gain from this course is the knowledge of how to find many technologic resources that will be beneficial to me as a teacher such as apps, games, and informational websites.

  96. My expectations for this course are to gain a better understanding and to further my knowledge on how to implement technology into the classroom. I am sort of old school when it comes to all of the new fancy tech items on the market but I do see the value in using certain devices if it is done for the right reasons. I hope that we learn how to balance traditional teaching methods with technological methods that can enhance learning for our future students.

  97. My expectations for this class are to learn how to use technology in my future classroom in ways that enhance my teaching. I hope to learn during this class new ways to find materials, communicate with students and parents, and ways to integrate technology in my classroom. I really am excited about all of the new developments in technology in regards to education and hope that this class shows me how to use this information in the best way. I feel that technology is not only and important skill for children to learn but is also a good resource for teachers to use.

  98. My expectation for this class is to gain an understanding of how to successfully use technology in my future classroom. Many teachers simply do not understand how to use technology and miss out on the great opportunity to teach using technology. I hope to learn new way to present material and information to my future students. I think technology, when used correctly, offers a creative way to teach students.

  99. My expectations for this class is to be aware of most or all of the technology that educators use in their classrooms. I understand each teacher is different and my own teaching style will be different. I expect to learn how to uset he technology to my advantage also therefore my future students will benefit from this too.

  100. Emporia State sets high expectations for their students which makes the students set high expectations for themselves. I have talked to principals in my area that will take a student that graduated from Emporia State over other schools because they generally have the best training and make the best teachers right out of school. I think those that go to Emporia State want to be excellent and set high goals for themselves to do just that.

  101. Emporia State sets high expectations for their students which makes the students set high expectations for themselves. I have talked to principals in my area that will take a student that graduated from Emporia State over other schools because they generally have the best training and make the best teachers right out of school. I think those that go to Emporia State want to be excellent and set high goals for themselves to do just that.

  102. Emporia State has set up some high expectations for their students. In this students opinion this is a great thing, as we continue through our journey to become teachers we need to be held to high standards. We can expect no less once we become teachers. Many teachers that I have met have all been Emporia State Graduates and they have said that many others in their building are as well. The school districts look at where their incoming teachers have graduated from as part of the hiring process and if you have Emporia State on your Resume you can bet that you will offered a job based on the rigorous training that we all go through in school.

  103. Emporia State has a well known teaching program, not only in Kansas, but in others states across the United States as well. This is due to the high expectations that they have for their students and the intensive programs and procedures that they have in place. Teachers leave prepared for the most intense classroom and up to date with the latest technology trends. I believe that when graduating from Emporia State I have the leading edge on teaching candidates from other universities.

  104. I have heard many great opinions from graduates of the Emporia State Education program. I have high expectations that I will feel prepared for the classroom by the time I graduate. The other students in the distance program, as well as the professors and advisors are positive and insightful. The program has challenged me already and I have many goals aligned that I am working towards.

  105. I have heard many good things about the ESU Elementary Ed program at JCCC. I hope to be prepared for my first year of teaching once I have graduated. This program has given me the opportunity to work hard toward achieving my dream of becoming a teacher. Already I have achieved far more than I ever thought and I cannot wait to keep working towards my goals.

  106. I expect this class to help me learn new ways of implementing technology in the classroom. Basically. I also expect to be prepared for my first year of teaching when exiting the program

  107. I expect the course to expose me to new tools and methods of using technology in the classroom to support and encourage student learning. Thus far it definitely has.
